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To use the state modifiers in this library you should define all fields of the settings object:

{    defaultCoordinates,    defaultVisibleArea,    areaPositionRestrictions,    areaSizeRestrictions,    sizeRestrictions,    positionRestrictions,    aspectRatio,}


Default coordinates#

The defaultCoordinates is the flexible way to set the initial stencil coordinates.

It has the following typing:

type DefaultCoordinates<Settings = CoreSettings> =    | (Transform | Transform[])    | ((state: CropperState, settings: Settings) => Transform | Transform[]);
type Transform = ((state: CropperState) => Partial<Coordinates>) | Partial<Coordinates>;

I.e., you can pass the object with coordinates to this parameter, or the function that returns default coordinates, or event the array of the functions. This function works just like setCoordinates modifier, so you can check its example for details.

Default visible area#

The defaultVisibleArea is the flexible way to set the initial visible area value.

type DefaultVisibleArea<Settings = CoreSettings> =    | VisibleArea    | ((state: CropperState, props: Settings) => VisibleArea);

I.e. it can be the object with visible area coordinates or the function that returns the default visible area.

Area position restrictions#

The areaPositionRestrictions is the limitations of the visibleArea position. It should have type:

AreaPositionRestrictions | ((state: CropperState, settings: CoreSettings) => AreaPositionRestrictions);

Where AreaPositionRestrictions is:

{    top?: number;    left?: number;    right?: number;    bottom?: number;}

If you don't need any restrictions, pass the empty object {}

Area size restrictions#

The areaSizeRestrictions is the limitations of the visibleArea size. It should have type:

AreaSizeRestrictions | ((state: CropperState, settings: CoreSettings) => AreaSizeRestrictions);

Where AreaSizeRestrictions is:

{    minWidth: number;    maxWidth: number;    minHeight: number;    maxHeight: number;}

If you don't need any restrictions, pass the following object:

{    minWidth: 0,    minHeight: 0,    maxWidth: Infinity,    maxHeight: Infinity}

Positions restrictions#

The positionRestrictions is the limitations of the coordinates position. It should have type:

PositionRestrictions | ((state: CropperState, settings: CoreSettings) => PositionRestrictions);

Where PositionRestrictions is:

{    top?: number;    left?: number;    right?: number;    bottom?: number;}

If you don't need any restrictions, pass the empty object {}

Size restrictions#

The sizeRestrictions is the limitations of the coordinates size. It should have type:

SizeRestrictions | ((state: CropperState, settings: CoreSettings) => SizeRestrictions);

Where SizeRestrictions is:

{    minWidth: number;    maxWidth: number;    minHeight: number;    maxHeight: number;}

If you don't need any restrictions, pass the following object:

{    minWidth: 0,    minHeight: 0,    maxWidth: Infinity,    maxHeight: Infinity}

Aspect ratio#

The aspectRatio is the limitations for aspect ratio of the coordinates. It has the following type:

AspectRatio | ((state: CropperState, setting: CoreSettings) => AspectRatio)

Where AspectRatio is:

    minimum?: number;    maximum?: number;

If you don't need any restrictions, pass the empty object {}