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Customize Appearance


It should be noticed, you can create your own cropper component from a scratch. The default cropper component is described by nearly three hundreds lines of straightforward code, and most of them are typings.

But the prebuilt component is so flex, that you maybe don't need that possibility at all. This article describes the main approaches to customize the prebuilt cropper appearance.

Cropper Appearance#

The cropper without stencil has about the following structure. Just the wrapper of cropper and background image.

Background Image


Wrapper is the root cropper component. You can replace the default cropper wrapper component by prop wrapperComponent. It can be useful to create a custom loading indicator [1], add navigation buttons [1], [2], etc.

Also you can set an arbitrary class name for the wrapper by prop className. It's useful to change the background color under the background image..

Background Image#

Background image is the current image that should be cropper. Similarly you can replace the default background component by prop backgroundComponent, it's useful for the cases when you need, for example, apply custom filters for an image [1].

Also you can set an arbitrary class name for the background by prop backgroundClassName.

Stencil Appearance#

You can create your own stencils in a numerous ways. It's the most flexible and thorough going approach to customize the stencil, and it's described in the corresponding tutorial. But there is an easier way and it will be described customizing of default stencils like RectangleStencil or CircleStencil.

Just like any other stencil they are placed inside wrapper:



To customize the default stencils you should pass props to stencilProps props as object (read here in detail).


You are able to customize handle by the following ways:

  • change handler component
  • add custom handler classnames
  • remove or add handlers at one of six positions

Change handler component#

To change handler component just pass the name of globally registered handler component or handler component options object to handlerComponent prop.

<Cropper    src={img}    stencilProps={{        handlerComponent: CustomHandler    }}/>

Customize the classnames#

To add handler classnames you should pass an object to handlerClassNames prop. All available classnames are represented at the example below

<Cropper    src={img}    stencilProps={{        handlerClassNames: {            default: 'handler',            hover: 'handler--hover',            eastNorth: 'handler--east-north',            north: 'handler--north',            westNorth: 'handler--west-north',            west: 'handler--west',            westSouth: 'handler--west-south',            south: 'handler--south',            eastSouth: 'handler--east-south',            east: 'handler--ease',        }    }}/>

Pay attention to default classname. If you want just change classname of a handler you should anyway pass an object:

<Cropper    stencilProps={{        handlerClassNames: {            default: 'handler',        }    }}/>

Notice, you can customize handlerWrapperClassNames in the similar way.

Customize the list of handlers#

To change the list of handlers you should pass an object handlers to stencil props.

<Cropper    src={img}    stencilProps={{        handlers: {            eastNorth: true,            north: false,            westNorth: true,            west: false,            westSouth: true,            south: false,            eastSouth: true,            east: false,        }    }}/>

If you don't set [direction]: true the corresponding handler will be hidden, so if you pass an empty object all handlers will be hidden.


You are able to customize lines by the same three ways:

  • change line component (lineComponent)
  • add custom line classnames (lineClassNames)
  • remove or add lines at one of four positions (lines)

Line component by default is SimpleLine. Each line is a narrow block with applied border style. So to change the appearance of line you should change the border style.

The example is given below

.line {    border-style: dashed;    border-color: red;}
Know issue

Currently there are problems with changing the line width. If you need to set the line width, set only the corresponding width:

.cropper__line--left {    border-left-width: 2px;}.cropper__line--top {    border-top-width: 2px;}

Notice, you can customize lineWrapperClassNames in the similar way.


To change the overlay appearance you can use overlayClassName. The default overlay is implemented in a tricky way via box-shadow, so the possibilities to customize is pretty limited. The most common way to customize one is setting the overlay color.

<Cropper    src={img}    stencilProps={{        overlayClassName: 'overlay'    }}/>
.overlay {    color: #601f55eb;}


The necessity to change preview appearance is pretty rare. But if you want to change it you may pass custom classname to previewClassName prop.

<Cropper    src={img}    stencilProps={{        previewClassName: 'preview'    }}/>
.preview {    border: dashed 2px rgba(255,255,255, 0.25);}