# Advanced stencil

# Idea

There will be described creating an one of possible croppers and you can apply this ideas to arbitrary cropper.

Let's consider the following cropper:

Internal structure

It's not like default stencil, at least because it has only one handler which is arranged not on the corner of a bounding box.

In addition, this cropper has different resize logic. Unlike the default stencil it expands in all directions simultaneously.

Internal structure

# Basic structure

A custom stencil is always a Vue component. In this tutorial we will create it as a single file component, but you may define it by any convenient way.

export default {
	name: 'CircleStencil',

  <div class="circle-stencil"></div>

Let's define basic requirements to a typical stencil:

  • it should receive and process service props from a cropper (image, stencilCoordinates)
  • it should provide aspectRatios method that returns the object with minimum and maximum fields
  • it should display the current cropped area
  • it should emit resize and move events

# Props

First of all, it's need to describe service props

# image

This prop is the object, that describes the properties of image and has following properties:

  • src - the link to the image
  • width - the image width
  • height - the image height
  • transforms - the transforms applied to image

# cooordinates

It's the object with left, right, height and width fields, that represents actual coordinates of the cropped fragment.

# transitions

It's the object that represent the current transition settings

# stencilCoordinates

It's the object with left, right, height and width fields, that represents desirable coordinates of stencil relative to visible area. In almost all cases you may use it as default coordinates for your absolute positioned stencil.

You should set the coordinates of your stencil himself. It was done on purpose, to give you possibility to create the custom stencil more flexible.

So pay attention on the computed property style


The positions of the stencil is set by transform property. It's the optimal way to prevent different lags and flickering.

export default {
	props: {
		image: {
			type: Object
		coordinates: {
			type: Object,
		transitions: {
			type: Object,
		stencilCoordinates: {
			type: Object,
	computed: {
		style() {
			const { height, width, left, top } = this.stencilCoordinates;
			return {
				width: `${width}px`,
				height: `${height}px`,
				transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`

  <div class="circle-stencil" :style="style"></div>

# Aspect ratios

Aspect ratios method should return an object with minimum and maximum fields. For current stencil it's 1 and 1 because it always should be a circle, but you may set their values according to such props as aspectRatio, minAspectRatio and maxAspectRatio.

export default {
	props: {
		image: {
			type: Object
		coordinates: {
			type: Object,
		transitions: {
			type: Object,
		stencilCoordinates: {
			type: Object,
	methods: {
		aspectRatios() {
			return {
				minimum: 1,
				maximum: 1
	computed: {
		style() {
			const { height, width, left, top } = this.stencilCoordinates;
			return {
				width: `${width}px`,
				height: `${height}px`,
				transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`

  <div class="circle-stencil" :style="style"></div>

.circle-stencil {
	position: absolute;
	cursor: move;

# Handler and preview

Now we should add the preview of the cropped area and handler. To display cropped area we will use the standard StencilPreview component, handler is the simple img (download it).


import { StencilPreview } from 'vue-advanced-cropper'

export default {
	components: {
	props: {
		image: {
			type: Object
		coordinates: {
			type: Object,
		transitions: {
			type: Object,
		stencilCoordinates: {
			type: Object,
	methods: {
		aspectRatios() {
			return {
				minimum: 1,
				maximum: 1
	computed: {
		style() {
			const { height, width, left, top } = this.stencilCoordinates;
			return {
				width: `${width}px`,
				height: `${height}px`,
				transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`

  	<div class="circle-stencil" :style="style">
	 	<img :src="require('./assets/handler.svg')" @mousedown.prevent>

.circle-stencil {
	border-radius: 50%;
	cursor: move;
	position: absolute;
	border: dashed 2px white;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	&__handler {
		position: absolute;
		right: 15%;
		top: 14%;
		z-index: 1;
		cursor: ne-resize;
		width: 30px;
		height: 30px;
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: center;
		transform: translate(50%, -50%);
	&__preview {
		border-radius: 50%;
		overflow: hidden;

# Events handling

# Preparing

You may handle drag events himself, but this library provides two very useful components for this goal: DraggableElement and DraggableArea. The first one is used for different handlers, lines and etc, the second one is used for dragging the stencil itself.


import {
} from 'vue-advanced-cropper'

export default {
	name: 'CircleStencil',
	components: {
	props: {
		image: {
			type: Object
		coordinates: {
			type: Object,
		transitions: {
			type: Object,
		stencilCoordinates: {
			type: Object,
	methods: {
		aspectRatios() {
			return {
				minimum: 1,
				maximum: 1
	computed: {
		style() {
			const { height, width, left, top } = this.stencilCoordinates;
			return {
				width: `${width}px`,
				height: `${height}px`,
				transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`

  	<div class="circle-stencil" :style="style">
			<img :src="require('./assets/handler.svg')" @mousedown.prevent>
		<draggable-area @move="onMove" @move-end="onMoveEnd">

Notice, we didn't define onMove, onMoveEnd, onResize, onResizeEnd handlers. It's time to do it.

# Moving stencil (onMove)

This handler will be straightforward. We just emit the received moveEvent above.

onMove(moveEvent) {
	this.$emit('move', moveEvent);

# End moving stencil (onMoveEnd)

This handler will be straightforward.

onMoveEnd() {

# Moving handler (onResize)

It's the most complicated part of creating this custom stencil. We should process the mouse / touch moving and resize our handler accordingly.

Remember, that the resize event tells cropper, how much area should be changed in all four sides: left, right, top, bottom.

Resize event

The draft of onResize method is represented below

onResize(dragEvent) {
	// 1. Parsing the drag event to find out the resize factor
	// 2. Forming the resize event

# Handling dragEvent

The dragEvents is the instance of DragEvent class. We should resize our handler in a such way that the mouse cursor will be in the exactly same point of handler where user ends dragging. That's is what he anticipates.

Fortunately, it has method shift that tells us the needed shift to achieve this task

onResize(dragEvent) {
	const shift = dragEvent.shift()
	const widthResize = shift.left
	const heightResize = -shift.top

Notice, that we use negative value for heightResize because when the top position of the handler is decreasing shift.top will be negative, but stencil should resize in this case.

# Emitting resizeEvent

It's is pretty easy:

onResize(dragEvent) {
	const shift = dragEvent.shift()
	const widthResize = shift.leftz
	const heightResize = -shift.top
	this.$emit('resize', new ResizeEvent(
			left: widthResize,
			right: widthResize,
			top: heightResize,
			bottom: heightResize,
			compensate: true,

# End moving handler (onResizeEnd)

This handler will be straightforward.

onResizeEnd() {

# Process transitions

To process the transitions we should customize the computed property style:

style() {
	const { height, width, left, top } = this.stencilCoordinates;
	const style = {
		width: `${width}px`,
		height: `${height}px`,
		transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`
	if (this.transitions && this.transitions.enabled) {
		style.transition = `${this.transitions.time}ms ${this.transitions.timingFunction}`;
	return style;

# Result

The full ready-to-use source code of this example is here (opens new window).

import {
} from 'vue-advanced-cropper';

export default {
	components: {
	props: {
		image: {
			type: Object
		coordinates: {
			type: Object,
		transitions: {
			type: Object,
		stencilCoordinates: {
			type: Object,
	computed: {
		style() {
			const { height, width, left, top } = this.stencilCoordinates;
			const style = {
				width: `${width}px`,
				height: `${height}px`,
				transform: `translate(${left}px, ${top}px)`
			if (this.transitions && this.transitions.enabled) {
				style.transition = `${this.transitions.time}ms ${this.transitions.timingFunction}`;
			return style;
	methods: {
		onMove(moveEvent) {
			this.$emit('move', moveEvent);
		onMoveEnd() {
		onResize(dragEvent) {
			const shift = dragEvent.shift();

			const widthResize = shift.left;
			const heightResize = -shift.top;

			this.$emit('resize', new ResizeEvent(
					left: widthResize,
					right: widthResize,
					top: heightResize,
					bottom: heightResize,
					compensate: true,
		onResizeEnd() {
		aspectRatios() {
			return {
				minimum: 1,
				maximum: 1

		<img :src="require('./assets/handler.svg')" @mousedown.prevent>
    <draggable-area @move="onMove" @move-end="onMoveEnd">

<style lang="scss">
.circle-stencil {
  border-radius: 50%;
  cursor: move;
  position: absolute;
  border: dashed 2px white;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  &__handler {
    position: absolute;
    right: 15%;
    top: 14%;
    z-index: 1;
    cursor: ne-resize;
    width: 30px;
    height: 30px;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    transform: translate(50%, -50%);
  &__preview {
    border-radius: 50%;
    overflow: hidden;