# Migration to 1.0

On one hand I wish to minimize breaking-changes in this release, on the other hand, due to beta-testing, I realize that many aspects of the library should be updated. The library has grown much larger and more difficult to maintain, as a result breaking-changes are inevitable.

The goal of this guide is to facilitate the migration of the library to the newer versions.

# Installation

# Styles

Styles are no longer automatically injected. You should import the styles directly.

# Using Bundler

import { Cropper } from 'vue-advanced-cropper';
// Add the following line to import the cropper styles
import 'vue-advanced-cropper/dist/style.css';

# Using CDN

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-advanced-cropper@^1.0.0/dist/index.umd.js" />
<!-- Add the following line to import the cropper styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vue-advanced-cropper@^1.0.0/dist/style.css" />

# Changed the markup of cropper

  1. Background is limited by the cropper boundary now. If you set the background-color in the background-class it won't fill the entire cropper, it will fill only the area that fits in the cropper boundary. The entire cropper could be wider or taller than its boundary. To set the background for the entire cropper set the background-color in the class attribute now.

  2. The foreground layer has been added. to customize it use foreground-class. It layers over the background and the image to darken it and sits below the stencil.

# Changed the defaults

  1. The default setting for default-boundaries is 'fill' now (previously 'fit'). It seems to be a more appropriate setting for the majority of the available croppers.

  2. The default setting for image-restriction is fit-area now (previously 'fill-area')

  3. The default setting for size-restrictions-algorithm has been changed: minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth and maxHeight set the limitations in pixels now (previously limitations were set in percentages).

  4. The default setting of resizeImage has been changed. Now adjustStencil is enabled by default.

# Changed props

  1. Replaced wheelResize, touchResize, touchMove, mouseMove props with resizeImage and moveImage props.

  2. Renamed classname, areaClassname, backgroundClassname, imageClassname, linesClassnames and classnames to class, boundariesClass, backgroundClass, imageClass, linesClasses and classes respectively.

  3. Renamed lineComponent, handlerComponent to linesComponent, handlersComponent

  4. Renamed restrictions to size-restrictions-algorithm

  5. The priority prop now accepts 'visible-area' instead of 'visibleArea'.

  6. The RectangleStencil, CircleStencil and BoundingBox prop scalable were renamed to resizable.

# Changed methods

  1. The callback in setCoordinates method now should accept only one argument: an object with properties coordinates, imageSize and visibleArea.
this.$refs.cropper.setCoordinates(({ coordinates, imageSize, visibleArea}) => {
	return {
		width: visibleArea.width,
		height: visibleArea.height